Some writing news.

Things have been weirdly slow and also chaotic since I last checked in. Summer’s in full swing now, and I’ve spent the past few months mostly isolated at home with my wife and baby boy – ya know, avoiding the covid. We have virtually no plans these days, so in a lot of ways life has dramatically slowed down. Yet, the chaos of the country and world sure are heavy, aren’t they? My anxiety has come back stronger now than in several years, no surprise, but I’m trying to appreciate what good there is (nice weather, spending time with my son that I wouldn’t normally have, etc.)

Anywho. One thing I have tried really hard to do is keep up with my writing. I know it’s been tough for a lot of folks out there, but I’ve managed to find a bit more time than usual and I’ve committed myself to taking advantage of it. Some days it’s impossible, but leaving this world behind for some of my own has been a bit of a mental lifesaver.

Which leads me to the good news of the Summer:

  • My first true blue fiction submission acceptance!
  • Four total acceptances, including one available free right now at Novel Noctule – check it out!
  • The addition of my “Short Fiction” page where you can see all of my published stories.

Honestly? I’m starting to feel pretty good about my writing right now (acceptances will do that). Still plenty of days where I question everything (like, why do I even bother?), and omg tons of rejection still, but it’s all part of the game, right?

I’m back at it. See ya.